Free Consultation
If you’re planning to sell your practice now, or near term
(starting your effort within 12 months), would you like to know the following? (Skip to information at the bottom of this page if you do not plan to sell for 2 to 5 years.)
1. What is your practice’s approximate value? 2. Saleability? Is it likely to be easy or difficult to sell it? 3. Are there obstacles or hurdles that you’ll face, and if so, what are they and how best can they be addressed? 4. Which of several optional sale structures might best achieve your specific goals and objectives? 5. Which sale structures are feasible, given the characteristics of you specific practice, and your personal financial needs and objectives? 6. Is the sale and transition structure that you currently plan to utilize likely to be feasible and/or successful for your specific practice? 7. What aspects of your practice will be seen as pluses and minuses by typical practice buyers? 8. What type of buyer will you need to find? 9. Would any of our services be beneficial to you? If so, which ones, what benefits should be expected, and what would it cost? IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO KNOW THE ABOVE AND MORE: Download and complete the Free Preliminary Consultation Questionnaire (Download PDF File). At no cost to you and with no obligation to use our services, we will analyze the information that you provide. We will then provide you with insights into the answers to the questions noted above and we will also provide consultation in regards to any other factors, identified from analysis of your information that may be critical to the success of your sale. IF NOT SELLING NEAR TERM – PLEASE NOTE: If you are not planning to sell your practice near term, but hope to within 2 to 5 years, this Free Preliminary Consultation is not designed for you. If you are interested in planning your future sale, with the goal of increasing your chances for success and maximizing the financial benefit from your future sale, please contact our Company to request a free booklet that describes our services in greater detail, including our Practice Sale & Transition Structure Planning Service. |